Author Profile

Martin Schlüter

self-employed (German/Englisch)

Martin Schlüter


Martin Schlüter is the operator of this website, he also created and programmed it himself. He also wrote most of the texts. He has over 20 years of experience in IT and programming

Other areas of interest include current politics, personal development and international/global current affairs.

Published Articles:

Sudoku for websites and print media

Sudoku for websites and print media - We also offer Sudoku for external media, i.e. websites and print media. Sudoku for your own website - The Sudoku for other Websites can be created/cinfigured on Sudoku for Websites. Fully responsive, adapts to the screen ✔ Data protection compliant, no consent necessary ✔ Intuitive operation & integrated solution aids ✔ Design easily customizable & pre-made designs✔ 3 days, every day 15 new Sudoku ✔ 26 languages & regional dialects ✔ It is free, 2 links will be integrated to promote our website.
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Sudoku explained step by step

Sudoku explained step by step - Now that we know the Sudoku rules and have already familiarized ourselves with the solution techniques, we need to put both into practice in order to be able to solve a Sudoku. Let’s take a step-by-step approach to solving a Sudoku. To do this, we will use the Sudoku that has already been used to explain the rules and techniques. This is a Sudoku of the easier difficulty level.
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Set a link to Sudoku Topical

Set link - You like solving Sudokus and would like to show this website to others. Then simply set a link! Here you will find various link suggestions, both as HTML and as BB code. HTML is required for websites and BB code in forums can usually also be used in forum signatures. Select the appropriate code with the mouse, copy (CTRL-C) and paste (CTRL-V). The animated graphics were kindly created by GreenSmilies.
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Sudoku rules and tools

Sudoku - the rules - A Sudoku consists of 9 x 9 squares, which are additionally divided into 3 x 3 blocks with 3 x 3 squares. Each row, column and block contains all the numbers from 1 to 9 exactly once. Some of the cells already contain numbers. The degree of difficulty of a Sudoku can depend on the number of numbers given or on the position of the given numbers.
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Latest articles in the Sudoku magazine

 Author Martin Schlüter