Sudoku for websites and print media ↥
We also offer Sudoku for external media, i.e. websites and print media.
Sudoku for your own website ↥
The Sudoku for other Websites can be created/cinfigured on Sudoku for Websites.
- Fully responsive, adapts to the screen ✔
- Data protection compliant, no consent necessary ✔
- Intuitive operation & integrated solution aids ✔
- Design easily customizable & pre-made designs✔
- 3 days, every day 15 new Sudoku ✔
- 26 languages & regional dialects ✔
It is free, 2 links will be integrated to promote our website.
Sudoku for print media ↥
The Sudoku puzzles can also be used in print media to supplement the editorial offer, but this requires prior contact by e-mail and the consent of Sudoku-Aktuell.
One condition is the mention of the URL near the printed Sudoku, e.g. “In cooperation with”.
If there is also a website, a link from this to is also necessary.
With the first publication of a Sudoku, we expect a free specimen copy for our records, there are no further costs.
Exclusions ↥
Since we don’t want to be associated with just any topic, here are a few exclusions that can save you a direct request:
- Parties and political organizations, incl. associated/subordinate associations, groupings and organizations.
- Religions and religious organizations, including associated/subordinate associations, groups and organizations.
- adult websites/media.
- Websites/media that use hate speech and/or false reports.
- Websites/media with extremely controversial social viewpoints.
And again very clearly, these offers, whether for websites or print media, are purely a supplement to editorial content, the Sudoku itself must not be the main or solo content!
( 263 Words = 1821 Characters)